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Communities > Automotive Oscilloscope > MaxiScope MP408 > Software features and improvements for M...
Software features and improvements for MaxiScope.

4972 Views 4 Replies Latest reply: 2019-09-17 15:22:29

  •   Level 5   
    (340) points
    2017-11-20 20:29:16
    1: Would be nice to be able to smooth out a noisy waveform with some type of software filter.
    2: Would be nice to have some known good waveforms samples.
    3: Would be nice be able to change color scheme to black background
    4: Would be nice to have the RPM be able to be displayed when cursers are set like the picoscope
    5:Would be nice to be able to load a saved waveform without having to have the module connected to the maxisys.
    6: Would be nice to have AC coupling

  •   Level 1   
    (0) points

    2018-06-25 02:00:31 (Reply to:737mechanic)

    I agree on all points and would also add scales for number of cylinders like 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
    8, 10, 12 etc.

  •   Level 1   
    (8) points

    2018-06-28 02:40:28

    Just a quick FYI, in the "tool" settings you can find a lowpass filtering option. Also, dig around the "tools">"maths" selection and you find a couple other things that should be easier to find, including channel inversion. 

    I really wish that Autel would pay more attention to this tool in General. The specs of the MP408 scope are great, but the Windows software (and lack of support for ANY other OS) does not back it up. 

    The user interface is not very intuitive, and some common functions are hard to find without digging.

    Mainly I'd love to see better Android/Chrome/iOS support. A rugged windows based tough book can be upwards of $700 for something fairly decent. There are a lot of awesome impact and spill resistant "education grade" chromebooks, Ipads, and Android tablets for <$350, and I have seen them popping up more and more in shops (mine included). Seeing as the MP408 natively runs on an ARM based android tablet, the interface is already halfway there. With a sensible bit of work, this program could be cranking along on any ARM or x86 based android device with no issues. With many popular shop management systems (i.e. autovitals) running on iOS, Apple development should be in the works too. 

    I have contacted customer support with a couple questions and issues that I've had with the scope, and have gotten minimal response. 

    Here's the impression that I get from my dealings with Autel and having used their tools. 

    The Autel MP408 is just Autel printing their logo on Hantek hardware. With the exception of simple bug fixes and small UI updates, Autel appears to have no interest whatsoever in appealing to a broader user base by continued development of this tool. When I reached out to customer support inquiring as to whether wider support could ever be implemented, I was told "Please understand that we could not start our development plans at the requests of one or two customers. If we receive more related customers needs, our engineers will consider it carefully." 

    Well I hate to break it to you Autel, but unless you start paying more attention to this tool, you won't ever have a large enough user base to have customer needs. 

  •   Level 4   
    (140) points

    2018-08-04 22:48:45 (Reply to:robchaos)

     I did the same and even made some vids that included a bug I found when using the math functions that froze it up and required a restart of the tool. Wala, 3 weeks later a update and the bug seems to be gone.
     Included a list of features like custom probe, 1000:1 and 10000:1 probe for secondary ignition that actually displays KVs properly W/O having to invert . I told them I was going to keep on them until they did something. 
    , more cursors for in cylinder PSI testing providing auto spacing for each stroke in 720deg of rotation etc. Big list.

  •   Level 2   
    (11) points

    2019-09-17 15:22:29 (Reply to:bad007)

    I went with a pico
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