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Communities > TPMS > TS501 > MaxiTPMS pad and cloneable sensors?
MaxiTPMS pad and cloneable sensors?

3793 Views 5 Replies Latest reply: 2016-05-18 00:16:05

  •   Level 5   
    (236) points
    2015-07-07 12:14:16
     Will the MaxiTPMS pad work with any cloneable sensor or just with Autel's MX sensors? I was thinking of purchasing one for our shop to go with our TS501.

  •   Level 6   
    (680) points
    Erik Autel US

    2015-07-07 15:00:13 (Reply to:ifgshooter)


     It will use only MX Sensor. Will not work with other brands.

  •   Level 5   
    (236) points
    2015-07-07 16:18:10 (Reply to:Erik Autel US)
     Thanks for the info. I guess I could buy a pad and keep a few 315MHz & 433MHz sensors in stock. 

  •   Level 1   
    (3) points

    2015-10-23 15:55:23 (Reply to:Erik Autel US)

     With the MaxiTPMS pad software can you manual enter (type in) a specific sensor ID number, or do they have to be scanned?


  •   Level 2   
    (40) points

    2015-11-12 05:18:12 (Reply to:Erik Autel US)

    and MX sensors can be programmed with other brand programmers?

  •   Level 3   
    (59) points

    2016-05-18 00:16:05 (Reply to:durislav)

     Goes to show! No Autel staff to be found here.  Yes the Stuff they sell is cheaper but to not worth the trouble anymore. The Snap-On tool is TPMSIII is way more @ $1450.00 but will do any sensor regardless where it came from.  I was misled to believe that my 501 could program any sensor only to find out that is not the case. Autel support tells me now that only MX Sensors can be used with this tool. So if you are trying to sell a virgin TPMS you will have to tell the customer to get it programmed elsewhere. What a bunch of S...  .
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