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Autel TS501 Forum
does not work. So I write here.
Hello! Today I did a
diagnose Mercedes S550 USA year of production 2007 tool TS501 Autel. I chose
the market – US, car - Mercedes S-class, year of production - 01/2006-12/2009.
When connecting the tool to the car's OBD2 TS501 Autel I chose TPMS Diagnostic
menu item. The graph ID sensors tool showed dashes (---). As if in a block no
ID car TPMS sensors! I chose the menu item Sensor Information and tools showed
OEM part number A0025408017/A0045429818. I opened the online parts catalog of
the Mercedes S550 by VIN code and I was shown a number of OEM TPMS sensor
A0009054100/A0009057200. My colleague has a tool for programming the TPMS
sensors firm Alligator. We have entered this code Mersedes VIN S550 Alligator
tool. The Alligator showed us OEM parts A0009057200, that is the same number
which is listed in the catalog of parts Mercedes S550! I ask you to explain to
me why I can not make the diagnosis a Mercedes S550? Thank you.