Hi. I hope someone knows what to do please?
I have the TS601 which I bought for my 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander and I need to change tyres frequently from summer tyres to winter tyres so I need a tool that's simple and works.
I just tried my new TS601 and the following happened:
1/ Successfully triggered all 4 sensors and loaded the sensor data into the TS601
2/ Plugged into the OBD and turned the car on, the TS601 seems to have communicated the data on the relearn process to the car.
3/. This is where it fails, the TS601 then instructs me to activate the sensors with another tool! This doesn't seem right as the TS601 is meant to do the job itself?
4/ I then went to Autel's website and the internet in general to look for tips and as you will all know these search engines just want to sell you more things or show you irrelevant stuff not matching the search I put in, so no luck.
I tried again and went for a drive thinking the drive will activate all sensors, but that just resulted in failure. I'm now going to try deflating the tyres when it says activate the sensor but that feels wrong.
If anyone can give me a tip I'd appreciate it.