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more support people - this company is ridiculous

2456 Views 6 Replies Latest reply: 2015-12-10 17:17:28

  •   Level 1   
    (5) points
    2015-11-12 08:21:01
     Since the new OS was released without being debugged, support has been an insult to the user community.  The on-hold lasts for 15 miuntes then the user is booted out. One can leave messages and emails including documentation with screen shots and maybe, someday, you will get a reply.  The support people generally know their stuff but getting them to talk to us is a crap-shoot.  The company appears to be following the Microsoft model of releasing untested updates that don't work, being impossible to get an answer from a real person, and then the user is either helpless or tries to find an online answer through a forum at the user's expense and time.

    I find this particularly ironic given that Autel's customer base is presumably the independent motor vehicle service & repair community who is trying to retain customers with exceptional customer service who leave the dealership because their service is so impersonal and downright incompetent.

  •   Level 8   
    (2012) points

    2015-11-12 14:22:54 (Reply to:StephenKosacz)

     I don't know if you are talking about local support or international support.

    About international support I think is not so bad. In my opinion they just have to be more quickly in solved some problems 

  •   Level 10   
    (10965) points
    Autel Support

    2015-11-18 09:42:56 (Reply to:StephenKosacz)

     Hello Sir, May I know which country you are in and which support office you contacted? You can tell us your city and phone number, we will contact you.

  •   Level 8   
    (2559) points

    2015-12-01 05:59:21 (Reply to:Pedro)

     in general i think if you contact your local support they then contact international support because they wont have an answer in most cases..

  •   Level 8   
    (2012) points

    2015-12-01 17:30:00 (Reply to:busaman)

     It depend of support you need.

  •   Level 8   
    (2559) points

    2015-12-09 07:36:08 (Reply to:Pedro)

     mostly any type of support that involves any more than a work arround..

  •   Level 3   
    (81) points

    2015-12-10 17:17:28 (Reply to:StephenKosacz)

      Yes, it's all nonsense, not some support there, It's come up with to sell the empty equipment, and then fold to the Internet for money leftist program that will work or not they a little worried about the money customers to return or not, but support for it so client to send the serial number of the device to the so-called dealer, who will tell you we did not buy, go to your dealer and solve its problems, in the license scan tool software supplied originally on the disk version of the car, and here when buying a device blank Here this program to fix can not I have two years of agony, and upgrade paid thought something correct after payment of subscription, but on the contrary there are fewer updates are released and they do not need those, many times I wrote and sent the data to the device, but to no avail, No there have not any engineers and programmers, they grab the wrong somewhere and stavte fyly them to the server and that's all, I think these devices because of play, What were the money when you can take.? Is a brazen mug customer said I did, and he asks the fuck did you do?
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