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1827 Views 3 Replies Latest reply: 2016-07-23 12:02:57

  •   Level 1   
    (8) points
    2016-02-14 13:45:44
    I honestly can not believe that China can not see how many thousands of MG Rover cars are in the UK!

    We NEED this feature on the Maxidas!  It's ridiculous!  What are Autel Europe doing???

  •   Level 8   
    (2012) points

    2016-02-16 09:17:25 (Reply to:BradS25)

     Dear mate, I understand your frustration, but I think they will never input that brand.

    And I agree with them.

    It's very expensive to put one, or two or more engineers, working on a brand that no longer exist. Last car that was product, was in 2006. I thinking. That was 10 years ago.

    For me, it's better to put that same engineers to work in the improvement in some other brands, that exist and we need more.

    But once again, I understand your frustration and respect it.

  •   Level 2   
    (41) points

    2016-03-12 07:41:05 (Reply to:Pedro)

     Hello i can see your point about rover but mg is still operating and owned by the chinese they are selling cars in the uk and it would be nice if we could have support for these vehicles ,although not a major manufacturer anymore there is a dealer in my area and a few cars around not had the pleasure to work on one yet lol.

  •   Level 1   
    (8) points
    2016-07-23 12:02:57 (Reply to:franky)
    MG are still selling cars in the UK, Autel need to address this.
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