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Two very nice features that would be nice to have.

2671 Views 2 Replies Latest reply: 2022-01-01 13:01:05

  •   Level 5   
    (340) points
    2017-08-26 00:59:03
    Any 4x4 jeep and truck that has the ability to change tire sizes should have a custom tire size option so you can correct for oversized tires. Most 4x4 jeeps and trucks end up getting larger tires for off roading and it would be nice to tell a customer that we can correct their speedometer and shift points. Would be a nice money maker for a auto shop.

    Would also be nice to allow some of the more common BMW coding options such as fold mirrors when turning car off and unfold when car starts, display digital speedometer in center of cluster, and some of the other more common options.

    Snap on just added the BMW coding that I mentioned with their 17.2 software.

  •   Level 1   
    (9) points

    2021-12-06 08:32:41 (Reply to:737mechanic)

      Isn't the tire size limitations with what is programmed in the PCM/ECM from the auto maker?

  •   Level 3   
    (51) points

    2022-01-01 13:01:05

     my MK808BT will do tire size change. while my masisys 908 pro and elite (elite might i havent tried). i think its a MAXICOM thing
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