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Software Backups

2129 Views 2 Replies Latest reply: 2017-10-12 14:24:51

  •   Level 2   
    (19) points
    The Car Whisperer
    2017-09-29 19:18:50
    I found it (close to) impossible to backup all files on my new MaxiSYS MS906TS, even after enabling developer options. Between the Internal storage and the MicroSD card there are over 15 GB of data. The problem I believe, exists with some files that are encrypted.

    Surely there is a way to completely backup the tool and if I'm incorrect, may I suggest that be made available?

    Thank you.

    Tags: MS906TS

  •   Level 6   
    (457) points

    2017-10-03 00:16:15 (Reply to:The Car Whisperer)

     if you have active subscription phone autel support usa and china

    and see if you can get a real answer for all of us

    and any other issues like system/os updates,year changes ect.that would effect backup

    Has anybody successfully backed up and restored previous software lately and how for back

  •   Level 1   
    (6) points

    2017-10-12 14:24:51 (Reply to:Jim)

     Autel, we need answers!
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