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MK808BT - ABS Funktions

1050 Views 1 Replies Latest reply: 2019-06-23 20:33:13

  •   Level 2   
    (22) points

    2019-06-13 20:37:57
     MK808BT has the option for getting live analysis data to control the tire speeds signal of each tire, voltage of esp and so on.... but it only works in hold position and with a max speed of 3mph. if the car runs faster (for example on a peugeot 307cc) the app will complely is shutting down.

    other diag systems does this kind of live analysis very well 

    please fix

  •   Level 3   
    (59) points

    2019-06-23 20:33:13 (Reply to:)

     This live data function works on my MK808BT. Maybe reset to factory settings?
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