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Communities > Diagnostics > USA Cars > File Archive, roll back an update?
File Archive, roll back an update?

1894 Views 0 Replies Create Time: 2017-11-05 20:19:19

  •   Level 1   
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    2017-11-05 20:19:19
     In the Dodge section they updated a function right out of service, updating tire pressure thresholds, when they went from 7.52 into 7.54.  7.53 apparently still had that function but would not let you update the ECU, 7.54 the tire pressure threshold function became a parts list when you select it from the menu.

    Does anyone know where or if there is a file archive you could download version 7.52 again until they release a newer version with the tire pressure threshold function operational again?
    Ok, I figured out each update is serial number protected so there is no archive for the updates.  I guess the next question would be: Where are the updated files on the device, what folder, what files, that I could save if they update?  If I could save the file or folder, I could use it in case another update wipes something out again.  Right now, since they updated, I am out of luck until they hopefully fix the issue with another update.
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