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Communities > Automotive Oscilloscope > MaxiScope MP408 > Maxiscope APK update not working
Maxiscope APK update not working

1477 Views 4 Replies Latest reply: 2021-05-03 19:19:51

  •   Level 1   
    (5) points
    2021-04-12 03:39:29

    When I open the Maxiscope app on my Maxicom MK908, I get a pop up that states there is an updated APK for the Maxiscope, but when I click "OK", it says "Download Failed".

    My Subscription is current.

    The APK version available from Autel website (V2.22) is older than what I currently have installed.
    I have emailed Autel Support but I haven't received a response.

    Any help on getting the updated app would be appreciated.
    The version that is currently installed is V2.23.12


  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2021-04-13 00:04:27 (Reply to:SynergyAutomotive)

      If you bought the MK908 from an authorized dealer of your geographic area , you should be able to just call Autel support of your geographic area and deal with someone that speaks your language and have them remote into your MK908 through the Quick support app and do what needs to be done.
     Be aware that the message you see on the screen mentioning Ondoscope update is probably Chinglish for Endoscope and probably pertains to the USB Sewer Camera App, and not the Maxi Scope Oscilloscope:-))

  •   Level 1   
    (5) points
    2021-04-14 04:43:31 (Reply to:witsend)
    I have contacted my dealer (again) and they are still looking for a solution.
    Can anyone else share what version of the Maxiscope app is current on your machine?

    Unlikely that opening the Oscilloscope App would prompt an update for the Digital Inspection Camera app.

  •   Level 2   
    (28) points

    2021-04-26 05:36:44 (Reply to:SynergyAutomotive)

     Have the same problem on ms906bt 

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2021-05-03 19:19:51 (Reply to:SynergyAutomotive)

     Did you try first to connect the Maxi scope to the Maxi Sys Pro before you checked for the update?
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