I like the larger screen and can always use the J2534 MaxiFlash Elite off a windows laptop if I ever need to purchase an OE sub and program a module, however my 1yr free update period for my Maxi sys Pro will be up expiring soon and I have not done any J2534 programming of any modules of BMW, Mercedes , and VW yet from off my Maxi Sys Pro Tablet with files downloaded from Autel's server .
For those not doing programming regularly on BMW, Mercedes , and VW, $1200 is too much money to pay for updates in my opinion for 12 months of updates. If Autel could let you update the Pros and Elites as a regular MS908 for the same cost of a regular 905 and 908 update and not disable the J2534 device capability in any way from being used off a Windows laptop , I think Autel would sell more updates versus people using Tablet several years without updating and just replace the platform.