The -!- means the MaxiSys could not identify the module (nr. or brand of it). It knows it is there but cannot read it by it self. Most of the time this is because there are several possible ECU's or other modules available on that carline and in that case, if the Sys cannot read it for itself, you have to go into the control unit itself and choose the right one. For instance, if you have Peugeot, you can have 3-4 different ABS systems for a certain car model; which you have to identify your self or just pick one after another and try to get into the module and read the codes (frustrating and this should be done better, but I'm sure Autel is working on that... ?).
If, like you experienced, you go into the module and you cannot read the codes, the MaxiSys recognises that there is a module, but cannot correctly communicate. This is something to mention to Autel, since they need VIN number etc. to identify the problem so they can improve on it.
It is an inconvenience that I understand may trouble you but gladly this is not happening too often and mostly on specific cars. I would love to help you more, but have no such car available to me right now to test this myself (not now at least).