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Communities > Diagnostics > Europe Cars > MY908 PRO - Find errors but can't list e...
MY908 PRO - Find errors but can't list error codes

4539 Views 16 Replies Latest reply: 2015-06-12 03:58:55

  •   Level 8   
    (2012) points

    2015-06-08 11:27:32 (Reply to:Batam)

    There is a update to Benz. Try to update and retry to read the codes.

  •   Level 7   
    (1143) points

    2015-06-08 15:27:33 (Reply to:Pedro)

     Batam did you do all updates for MaxiSys ? So are we speaking about the newest software version?

    It is strange, I never got this on Injection control unit with Benz so far. Support are you watching and taking notes on this matter please.

    I think you should really open an issue under "your issues" in your account on this site. Also include these screens you made and notice the vin number.

  •   Level 8   
    (2012) points

    2015-06-09 08:42:52 (Reply to:Matronix)

     I've already got the "!". But I think if he update with the last Benz software the problem will be solved.

  •   Level 2   
    (31) points
    2015-06-09 14:05:56 (Reply to:Pedro)

    I didn't have the time to update and retry yet.
    I think I'll do it this thursday.

    If it doesn't work I will open an issue and keep you informed.

    Thanks for your advices anyway, they are of great help (didn't notice the updates available).

  •   Level 2   
    (31) points
    2015-06-11 04:53:17 (Reply to:Pedro)
      Good news.
    It's OK after the latest update. No more -!- and more functions (not everything is working, but way more than before).

    Now I have a 13AF00 Fault code (particulate filter). Too much soot particles. But no LED on my dash.

    ==> Needs a regeneration ?

    Didn't have that last time the real Benz DAS was used on the car.

  •   Level 7   
    (1143) points

    2015-06-11 16:23:28 (Reply to:Batam)

     I surely hope that will still fix it.

    You can activate a manual regeneration with maxisys if I am right. Noticed the option somewhere and think I have a go with it too on short terms (have a C320 that goes into limp mode, most likely due to boost pressure so either actuator or back pressure from soot are most likely with these mercs). Does regeneration on the vehicle you work on finished correctly previously

  •   Level 8   
    (2012) points

    2015-06-12 03:58:55 (Reply to:Batam)

     Try to do a regeneration. I think it will work. 

    But before you do that, have you check the data concerning with DPF?
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