thank you support. the mode6 encrypted just means it is very hard to understand as it is not very well developed/clear as other far as new module installation and programmable module installation goes , we do have this feature in place already, it just need further developing because it is not available equally for all vehicles neither are all the modules available, also if the data as built is not added to this function it will make certain programmable module installation function useless since the data as built feature is not available and it is needed to complete the job. note we just need the feature/capability added, not the actual data as built data which we can get from ford, an example of this data as built is this, in order to replace ic,abs,srs,sjb/bcm, and maybe others, the data as built feature is needed. I know the module flashing will not be available until the end of this year but this has nothing to do with that. thank you and please have a look at this feature/functions am requesting as it is very important. best regards ede.