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Communities > Diagnostics > Europe Cars > Language and compabilities faults
Language and compabilities faults

2626 Views 1 Replies Latest reply: 2017-01-08 14:32:50

  •   Level 2   
    (26) points
    2017-01-08 12:03:59
    I have a big problem with my maxysis.
    I'm still in the time period to return the machine and ask for a full refund if this problems don't get sorted.
    I was told by the seller that this machine has full coverage of Portuguese language and the diagnosis was better than my previous machine (Delphi Ds150).
    However, I can change the language of maxysis to portuguese but the only brand that comes on after language change is the Mitsubishi.
    I need to get access to all brands in Portuguese or I'm returning this machine and give bad feedback on sellers page.
    The other problem with this machine is about problems in Peugeot cars.
    I had a 2004 Peugeot 307 2.0Hdi (RHS) and both seller and compability charts were saying that I could do a regen on DPF, however, this function is missing along with dtc faults that Maxysis says to check the handbook...
    I had another 2008 Peugeot 308 1.6 Petrol in which on actuators activation was failing and giving code 22.
    Can't open complaint... request help.

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2017-01-08 14:32:50 (Reply to:Espiga33)

     I don't think you can change the language of what it ships in until you register the unit and able to contact support by phone or email to get authorization for the language change. After that they may tell you that you have to delete all the car makes in the present language and download everything again in your language. I doubt if the DPF regen function  was missing in software of one language, that you will have it in another language , unless there is a newer update that ads the function back, but support has been largely absent on the user forum, and I haven't read much about Autel restoring missing and broken functions in newer updates for older cars as a result of data logs being sent in.
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