the only maxisys with 2 year update that I know of is the 908 elite, 908p only has 1, so be careful. remember the saying if its too good to be true it probably is. I think you should lets us know who this seller is and what his/her asking price is so that we can better advice you. I personally advice people to buy from their authorized dealer in their country only but I know its not the only option, there are some Chinese sellers that are very responsible as well, will not mention names to favor one over the other but there are a few. also keep in mind when you buy overseas and the tool needs to be returned for service, exchanged etc, the down time will be much longer than if you bought it locally. also if you buy it from a guy name joe, on ebay, craigs list etc, for example, instead of a known company/seller and something should happen to your tool, there is a big chance you will never se him/her again.