5128 Views 12 Replies Latest reply: 2017-06-27 03:17:28
all you need is a passtru, a windows laptop, ford j2534 software (fmp) and a 35 dollar sub for 3 days. you can flash/program and do timed pats until your heart is content. I use ford ids 99% of the time but fmp and autel's maxiflash pro works excellent as well. one question I have though, does your maxisys have the pats function for this model year and if it does was the enable sparekey function available? re enter pats function and after security has been granted there will be a few functions available, enable sparekey should be one of them, if not it needs to be reported.
one more thing, did you register and updated your tool? you stated you took it out of the box and connected to the vehicle.