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Communities > Diagnostics > Asian Cars > '99 Hyundai accent auto transmission
'99 Hyundai accent auto transmission

1936 Views 1 Replies Latest reply: 2017-10-06 15:20:07

  •   Level 2   
    (10) points
    2017-10-06 05:25:14
    Im having hard/no upshift issues on my '99 Hyundai accent, 76k miles Auto-transmission. Out out the blue the revers gear goes out and trouble with 1-2, 2-3... Shifts, I've dealt with this issue a month before and replaced trans. to solve the issue that once again manifested itself. I have disassembled original trans. to find no mechanical issues and everything in great condition. Just purchased control solenoid in hopes of solving permanently but would like advice on diag. Techniques with MS906. Thanks

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2017-10-06 15:20:07 (Reply to:Tha_Fridge)

     See if  the transmission solenoids are listed under some of the things under active tests that can be commanded on and off , that you can listen for click (or could even test with noid light at the solenoid plug while the pan is off)
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