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1866 Views 1 Replies Latest reply: 2017-11-14 09:43:45

  •   Level 1   
    (5) points
    2017-11-13 13:53:36
     hello good day, I acquired a Maxy906 in the US by Amazon to an autel representative who asked if it came in Spanish and he answered me that if and right now I find that he only walks in English and I contact a representative in Argentina and they told me that there to communicate with a US representative and pay 300 dollars to pass an update

  •   Level 7   
    (885) points

    2017-11-14 09:43:45 (Reply to:MiguelBarcovsci)

    Return it if it is not as described.

    But, basically the language can be changed by an Autel dealer or Autel itself.
    The changes get on your box via the software update function. If your device is out of the update periode you have to renew it to get updates again. Which may costs money.

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