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Communities > Diagnostics > Asian Cars > Mazda MPV Rough idle
Mazda MPV Rough idle

1504 Views 2 Replies Latest reply: 2019-09-08 14:48:20

  •   Level 2   
    (10) points
    2019-09-06 04:13:46
    2002 Mazda MPV 3.0 Rough Idle
    New Spark plugs, ignition coils,fuel injectors,Maf sensor,oxygen sensor replaced,no vacuum leaks. Checked fuel pressure and its okay. Compression good

  •   Level 9   
    (5837) points

    2019-09-08 09:23:48 (Reply to:davidgonzalez9573)

     Have you checked the fuel tank valve............? might be leaking vacuum from there.....

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2019-09-08 14:48:20 (Reply to:davidgonzalez9573)

     I had a Mazda where the fuel trims at idle  would go way up high in gear with my foot on brake ,but fuel trims would go back to normal in Park with foot off the brake. Seems the vacuum brake booster was leaking where the master cylinder attaches corrosion set in and it wasn't sealing correctly,
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