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Communities > Diagnostics > Europe Cars > 2009 S550 AIRmatic Test Screen
2009 S550 AIRmatic Test Screen

671 Views 0 Replies Create Time: 2023-11-30 16:08:13

  •   Level 2   
    (18) points
    2023-11-30 16:08:13
     We are in the "Pressure Sensor Value" screen (Max Sys Ultra) for the AIRmatic suspension. When we press the button to read the central reservoir, it works perfectly. When we press the button to read any of the strut pressures, it flashes then comes right back to the same screen, and we can't read the pressures. I don't know if this is a glitch or what. If it isn't supported it usually says so.
    file:  SL550 Screen.jpg
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