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Communities > Diagnostics > USA Cars > maxiflash vci problem with GM&Chrysler ...
maxiflash vci problem with GM&Chrysler cars

289 Views 1 Replies Latest reply: 2024-11-16 10:54:14

  •   Level 1   
    (5) points

    2024-11-15 18:29:43
     I bought the scanner about two years ago. When I first started using it, there was a problem with GM cars. It could not scan airbags &park assets & radio &tailgate With Chrysler vehicles it does not communicate with the transmission and the blind spot unit.modules And I thought all this time that the device was not capable, but a month ago I saw that my friend had a device like mine and was able to perform a test normally, so I was sure that there was a problem with my device. I contacted customer service, but they did not help me. Please

  •   Level 9   
    (6210) points

    2024-11-16 10:54:14 (Reply to:)

    Hi you stated that a friend of yours has the same device ,so ask if he can use your
    device to see if it works with him also .
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