I understand that quite a few users are stating that the PC software is flawed at best, but what about the onboard software on the MaxiSYS itself? Does the Android software onboard the MaxiSYS function better or is it "broken" like the PC version?
I am using it on my new 908 and it works just fine but it will not work on my windows 8.1 pc. I installed the software from autel but when I plug in the scope it will not recognize it.
Can you move the traces up and down or separete in your scan tool? The pc version the traces estay ritgh in the center and there is no voltage scale! So can you do that? The videos in youtube only shows a single trace and they don't even try to use another channel!
i was just about to ask this same question.. i would like to be able to do bi-directional with my maxisys and use the maxiscope at the same time. would be kind of inconvenient to have to bounce back and forth on the same device. So if i could get the maxiscope to work on another android tablet and use it as my dedicated scope that would be awesome..
I have not been able to get the android software to work on my iRulu tablet. As soon as it loads, it crashes. I can see the background of the main screen for a split second, but then it goes to the crash screen.