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Communities > TPMS > TS401 > How to use the TS401 with the MaxiDas 7...
How to use the TS401 with the MaxiDas 708 to send new TPMS IDs to ECU?

3740 Views 3 Replies Latest reply: 2016-04-25 06:00:28

  •   Level 2   
    (30) points
    2016-03-30 21:49:45
     Trying to program new sensor ID's into 2008 Subaru Legacy ...  when you go into the maxidas menu for TPMS - it attempts to communicate with a "unit"?  .. then fails.  It never gives you a menu for utilities or anything you can use to try and make the computer learn the new sensor ID's.

  •   Level 10   
    (10965) points
    Autel Support

    2016-03-31 08:29:41 (Reply to:culbert425)

     ID programming should be done by TS401, not DS708.

  •   Level 2   
    (30) points
    2016-03-31 18:35:52 (Reply to:Autel Support)
     I imagine I'm using the wrong terms.
    TS401 can't tell the Subaru computer what the sensor ID's are - so it can't clear TPMS light. TS401 can read the sensor data.   The instructions for the TS401 indicate you need another unit to actually upload the sensor ID's to the car's computer, then it will relearn them when you drive it.  I was trying to use the DS708 to do that part, but TS401 cannot talk to DS708 nor the car.  DS708 cannot get to a menu where you can manually input TPMS sensor ID's to cars' computer memory.

  •   Level 1   
    (8) points

    2016-04-25 06:00:28 (Reply to:Autel Support)

     How is that done on 2008 honda crv?
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