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Communities > TPMS > TS401 > T401 registering and update
T401 registering and update

5521 Views 6 Replies Latest reply: 2017-01-27 16:18:43

  •   Level 2   
    (22) points
    2016-12-25 15:34:06

    When i want to register my TS401, there are no password in my 401 info screen, only a serial number, so where i can find my password ?

    another question, when i run Maxilink and try to update my TS401, Maxilink ask for a DFU file, but when you load update from Autel website, there are two files but with an .AUT and .BIN extension no DFU extension.

    Normal ?



  •   Level 7   
    (885) points

    2016-12-26 08:45:07 (Reply to:David-Techniconnexion)

    The TS401 does not need to be registered and therefore you do not need any password.
    An Autel ID is enough to get the updates.

    The .bin (Firmware) and .aut  DTC lib) is all you need.
    Ensure you select the correct device in the Maxilink software as the software is for more devices, not only the TS401.
    And update allways BOTH, firmware and DTC. They have dependencies.

  •   Level 2   
    (22) points
    2017-01-01 20:04:41 (Reply to:fware)

    Thanks for your answer. I have tried all the three devices (TS301, TS401 and maxityre) but always the same probleme. Not the good extensions on the update files.

    Are there differents versions or newer versions of the maxilink software ?



  •   Level 7   
    (885) points

    2017-01-06 15:20:19 (Reply to:David-Techniconnexion)

    I have, from included CD if I remember right, the MaxiLink II Version 1.03 installed.

    Select "TPMS" on the left side, then the "TS401" and I get the screen to select the Firmware (.bin) and DTC (.aut) files if use the "Select File" button.

    I have never seen anything else and I do not have a TS301 or MaxiTire in my selection. Only TS101 and TS401
    So I assume you have a wrong version of the update tool. I cannot tell you if there is one here on the download.
    email to may help if you do not have the software on CD.

  •   Level 7   
    (885) points

    2017-01-06 15:26:55 (Reply to:David-Techniconnexion)

    I have found a on my  computer that seems to be the version I use.

    You can dowload it from this URL if you do not find it here at Autel

  •   Level 2   
    (22) points
    2017-01-08 09:05:25 (Reply to:fware)

    I have put a look on my Maxilink it's a 2.00 version, i'm downloading yours.

    Update done, thanks a lot


  •   Level 1   
    (3) points
    J Basford

    2017-01-27 16:18:43

     I also had a problem with update.  After update I no longer had access to vehicle types, and a message saying my .bin and .aut files were different.  The problem was that I only updated the .bin files and did not update the files described as DTC (.aut files).  I had new files and old files.  As soon as I went to the lower part of update screen (DTC) on desktop program and found the .aut files and downloaded into TS401 everything was right in the world once again. 
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