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Communities > TPMS > TS601 > Volvo XC70
Volvo XC70

2813 Views 1 Replies Latest reply: 2018-01-18 11:56:52

  •   Level 1   
    (5) points
    2017-12-15 15:54:14
    I have a Volvo XC70 2007 (early...2004-2007 series)  with TPMS service light on after installing new wheels/snows with non-Volvo 433 mHz TPMS sensor.  I can read the IDs but when I connect OBDII to the vehicle, cannot seem to update the system to recognize the new sensors.  Sys Software V2.74, Hardware V1.00, Sensor V5.23  Manufacture date 11/08/2017.  Any thoughts?

  •   Level 4   
    (120) points
    Clark Luo

    2018-01-18 11:56:52 (Reply to:JHREVKIN)

    1.What the brand of the non-volvo TPMS sensor?If they are Autel mx-sensors,have you program them by Autel tools,by which way you programmed them,after mounted,have you relearn your vehicle by following the relearn procedure provided by the tools?
    2.If they were not Autel mx-sensor,Have the sensors been programmed,if not,contact you dealer to program the sensor first.If yes,have you relearn your vehicle by following the relearn procedure?
    3.By the way,the latest version for TS401 is V5.31 and for TS408/TS501/TS508/TS601/TS608/ms906ts is V5.40.Please update your device to the latest one first.
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