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VW's mode for generating readiness

2303 Views 3 Replies Latest reply: 2014-09-22 01:08:06

  •   Level 4   
    (110) points
    2014-04-23 17:35:52
     Dear Autel, I been liking my Maxidas since acquiring it 2 weeks ago. I like to ask you guys if there is the possibilities of implementing/adding Volkswagen's program mode for generating readiness. On Volkswagen's OE scanners, there is this feature for setting readiness anytime a code is cleared when engine repairs have been made. I found that lacking in the DS708. Please, is it possible the engineers might add that function for VW and Audi. Also I found neat that the DS708 come with some guided functions for VW which is not very close to the OE equipment but nice indeed. Only issue with that is the lack of many guided functions and features under this specialty. I like to thank you guys for making a great tool and look forward to hearing back. Thank you again.

  •   Level 5   
    (222) points

    2014-04-29 09:11:03 (Reply to:brgd835)

    I have a maxisys and there is a function for the readiness test but when I go into it, it
    just shows moniter status. I asked about it and I guess it works for some people.

  •   Level 4   
    (110) points
    2014-04-30 17:31:30 (Reply to:ls1racer11)
        Hi! I emailed tech support and asked if that can be added for the DS708 in a future update and was told they'll work on it and release it in a new update. Also after reading some info on your Maxisys reply, that's nice to know that your tool seems to have the option for it. Also I believe depending on some models, i.e. earlier 2000's from later, some procedures may vary when running a readiness test in most aftermarket tools as explained in the Snap-on web page found in your thread/discussion. The OEM tool is simpler to run the readiness, but then again it is made only for VWs. I hope you figure out how to get that feature working on yours, while I'm waiting for that feature for the MaxiDAS in a future update. Best of luck.

  •   Level 4   
    (110) points
    2014-09-22 01:08:06
    It has finally been added the feature for generating the readiness on VW models that support the functions. While the translation of the functions and sequences are not perfect, it indeed does work as the OEM factory tool. Thank you engineers for fixing and adding the feature for the VW software.
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